Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Normally I like to write about historical facts and stay away from the present day stuff until sufficient time has passed so that all the fact are known. When I say sufficient time I’m talking about north of 50 years or so, but I am going to make an exception this time because black folks are engaged in a national debate about who deserves our support and who doesn’t. As you can see from the feature picture, it’s not going to be hard for you guess which side I come down on. We seem to have a really short memory when it comes to black betrayal. I could just end the story here and let the picture speak for itself but you know me, Ima hafta to talk about it so that the people in the back can know where I am coming from. So to begin with, I’m not faulting anybody for their politics. If you think the massa gonna favor you because you got the biggest grin, well good for you. A lot of people that have those views usually are so concerned with their small view, that they don’t look at the big picture. Take for instance the feature picture above. They don’t realize it was taken a month after the Unite The Right Rally in Charlottesville. Yep that’s right, Ye was kissing and hugging on Massa Candie a month after he refused to disavow white supremacy and said something about them being fine folks. Now mind you, the protest was about removing the commander of the Confederate forces statue, who had he been successful would have meant our people having to shuck and jive for another two or three hundred years under the lash. Yeah a lot of southerners said that slavery was on its last legs and would have eventually been abolished, but do you really think that after the blood shed during the Civil War that they would just let us go? That they would let us go after twenty generations of free slave labor?
Racist 1: “This here my boy Tom, Tom let Massa Luke hear you rap..”
Tom: A hip.. a hop.. I better never stop..
Pickin cotton till ders nuttin
Den we’ll plant another crop..
And when I’m finished there..
And look and see no stars..
It’s time to grab my bucket and wash his moda fricken car….
Massa Luke: He’s a good one…
Anywho.. so yeah…. Of course we know one of them fine folks plowed a car into a group of people, killing Heather Myers and seriously injuring dozens more and that you kissing the ring of the king means that as long as it wasn’t you you.. well that’s ok. I said kissing the ring but if you thought I was probably thinking about saying something else.. you probably are right.

For The Love Of Money

I know that when we see the type of economic lynching we see happening to Ye by another ethnic group, we get to feeling some kinda way. After all that could be us they let their fury out on and we would want the support of our community to help fight them off too. However what do you expect when you show up on the Candace (I’ll Say Anything For A Dollar,) Owens show and stand side by side with a group of Tom’s and Tomette’s who say they don’t want to be a part of the black culture. You and her wear a shirt that says White Lives Matter and ya’ll all join in a chorus singing “I’ll Say Anything For You, Just Keep Me On The Payroll….” because thats what its about. You went up there to stop the bleeding, hoping Owens had some type of juice with the white folks and they could help you to stem the money loss. She doesn’t… and even if she did, they wouldn’t. Owens job is not to pick up black folks… its to put them down. That’s what she gets paid for. Their not going to pay her to pick you up. The last thing they want to see is another rich black man… Now before I get any further and I have folks calling me a bigot and a racist because I said they were wearing “White Lives Matter” shirts like they believe I don’t think they matter… well let me just set the record straight. I believe “Black Lives Matter” and “White Lives Matter “Too.” It’s just one word, but it makes all the difference if we want to talk about Black / White relationships.

I’m Not Eating That…

Anywho, you knew you had betrayed us and that’s why you went to Owens seeking support. Once you found out they were only using you, you sought to get back into black folks graces. Enter Kyrie Irving. Now I don’t know what in the Empire State building on W 34th Street Kyrie Irving was thinking about when he decided he didn’t want to be a millionaire no more and throw his bag of loot on the same fire as Ye. That move was about as smart as Bertucci talking about elevate a piece of bread with some olive oil… wtf… I’m not eating that… some black folks don’t even use olive olive oil… they wanna elevate yo bread with some bacon grease…. naw.. no thanks bruh… Hell if it was up to Bertucci you would be pouring that shat on everything… elevate yo chitlins… elevate yo mac and cheese… elevate yo dog’s food… if it can be eaten… elevate it…
and if you waiting for me to go there… uh.. uh…
Anywho… so yeah… not a brilliant idea Kyrie. Now speaking of fire, I’m going to take a lot of fire for saying this but Ima kind of dude that calls it as I see it. Back in the day when we was marching for our civil rights, the Jews were one of the first religious groups to join us on the lines in Selma, at the lunch counters, in the courts and at the registration drives. Organizations like the American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, and Anti-Defamation League was ride or die type folks… and some of them did die like Michael Schwerner who was killed with James Chaney and Andrew Goodman in Mississippi in 1964. Now before you take my black power credentials, I’m not saying there weren’t any problems between Blacks and Jews. No, I’m not saying all Jews are righteous. While its a fact that in the South the Jews were straight up ride or die, up North it was a different story. Up North a lot of them were ready, aim and fire.

Kosher Crow

During the early part of the 20th century between 1916 and 1970 something called the Great Migration took place. I wrote a little something about it in this article. So the great Migration was the movement of 6 million African Americans from the Jim Crow South to the “Undercover Racist North “and the “I Mean By Sundown West.” So with the movement of this many people tensions were bound to surface, especially up North, where whites were beginning to move out of the cities and into the suburbs. Now not everybody was able to move. Poor whites stayed behind because they didn’t have any dough and Jews stayed because they had businesses and owned property in these neighborhoods. As urban decay, white flight and the battle for black equality raged, Jews were often the last whites to move out of these affected areas. Throw in the era of black militancy and hot diggity dog you got yoself a sure enough recipe for ten toes dangling soup and split da dome kosher bread. These class divisions were most notable in New York. Now we usually associate the KKK with hard redneck hillbillies of the red river clay racist down South, but they were up North too. The Klan actively exploited these divisions by amplifying the anti-semitic and anti-black dynamics. While Jews from upper middle class backgrounds were largely supportive of African Americans and the civil rights movement, the same could not be said of the Jews who stayed behind and were increasingly becoming a minority presence in the inner cities. It didn’t help matters that blacks were still being ostracized economically and couldn’t get loans to build businesses and own property in the majority black neighborhoods that they now resided in and where Jew’s owned most of the businesses and housing. By the early seventies tensions between Blacks and Jews in New York’s inner cities had exploded exponentially, exploited by the Klan, anti-semitic and anti-black factions. Inner-city Jews circled the wagons and instituted Kosher Crow… which lingering effects have lasted to this day.

We Want The Banana At The Top…

So that was a simplified overview of what I believe is a faucet of Black Jewish relations. Anywho as I said earlier Kyrie following West into that QAnon wild west shat show was not something that I would have done. Promoting the film Negro’s To Hebrew that implied the Holocaust didn’t happen was straight up pedophile’s having wild childrens sex orgies in the basement of Pizza Hut far right-wing methamphetamine inspired fantasy bull crap. The Holocaust was one of the most recorded events in human history. It was not only recorded by the United States but it was also recorded by the 25 other nations that fought in the war. Hell during the Nuremberg trials, the damn the Germans said they did it! Why would Kyrie step into that cluster #@@!. That wasn’t a smart move my brother. Now in order for you to keep your bag of money and keep doing the good things for your people, you have to climb up the banana tree and ask Tarzan for his forgiveness. That doesn’t do anybody any good and especially us because it means either we sacrifice a black millionaire who was sending other black folks to college, feeding black homeless people and paying for black funerals or cutting off our nose to spite our face and standing behind you even though we know you’re wrong. There’s a reason that Kyrie’s story is only playing out in Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and why a lot of black national publications wouldn’t touch this shat with a ten foot pole. I’m ride or die if you are right brother and I’ve gotten the nasty emails and text messages to prove it. I’ll cut off noses, ears and some more stuff if you standing on the right side of the line. Yes… I know their demands are absurd and a simple apology isn’t good enough for them… but unfortunately… they want yo very one..

Dear Kyrie Irving
“The conditions needed for your reinstatement included a public statement recognizing the film is anti semitic, an apology for supporting the film and the falsehoods within it, and training sessions on the dangers of hate speech. There would also need to be meetings with Brooklyn Jewish leaders… because we said so… I know they don’t have anything to do with the NBA, but they want a piece of yo azz too, so they can take pictures of them with they foot in it.. “
Sincerely, Tarzan

Okay I put that last part in after the Jewish leaders meeting… but for now my brother go ahead and give them their pound of flesh. Come back to us the way you left… black and successful. Lastly leave West to make his own way out. We’ll take him back… once he takes us back… with an apology of course. We like bananas too…

Ask Omarosa…

Thanks for reading ©Hill1News 2022


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