It’s Been That Long

Anita Hill Congressional hearing 1991

My daughter was four years old when the Anita Hill went before Congress. I had been working for a major telecommunications company for a mere two years and thought I was on top of the world. Previously I worked for White Castle in the Georgetown section of Washington DC. I was making $2.25 an hour, with fringe benefits for those who know what I mean. While working for White Castle, I bought home about $70.00 a week, plus all the hamburgers I could fringe benefits. Later I got job with a drug store across from the headquarters of the telecommunications company that I would eventually work for and began a career that would help take us from poverty to the middle class. I went from making $120.00 every two weeks, to making $300 a week. I was finally able to afford to buy my daughter the things I did not have when I was young and as they said in the old days, “it was off the chain.” I would like to tell you what I did with my first check, but we will leave that for another day.

Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill

So it was of particular interest to me when the Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill’s congressional testimony’s started. I knew Justice Thomas was lying as soon as I saw Anita Hill. She was a fine as a dot at the end of a sentence. Don’t tell my daughter’s mom. Anyway, it was not only about Hill’s looks, it was about bringing up a daughter and hoping  she would not have to face this ugliness and sexism when she got old. Only time in my life I was afraid for my baby to grow up. The congressional hearings were the talk of Black America, like the Simpson trial would be in another four years. Most professional black organizations like the NAACP and HBCU’s  had already outed Justice Thomas as an Uncle Tom. It didn’t help Thomas to have a young senator Orin Hatch from Utah to plead his case.

When George W. Bush was running for President, Utah senator, Bob Bennett predicted that Bush would win unless, ” Some black women comes forward with an illegitimate child that he fathered.” Say What !!! Okay, so what does that have to do with Orrin Hatch? Well you would think that most government officials would denounce the the statement as being racist and demand an immediate apology from the ignorant biatch. But not Orrin Hatch. Somehow he twisted his mouth to say, “People of color can’t do anything about their color.” I’m like.. you SOB. Anyway, Anita Hill was before the congressional committee for three days. She was looking good, she was sharp and knowledgeable. Up to that time I had never seen a black woman like that… except for my daughter’s mother. Good save right? Justice Thomas denied all the accusations and as you know was eventually confirmed as the second black justice nominated to the court after Thurgood Marshal. Among the current members of the court, he is the longest serving, being appointed by George H.W Bush in 1991. Uncle Thomas has been on the court for 26 years.

Please check out this not often mentioned Civil Rights and Women’s Right’s pioneer, Anita Hill.



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