Nope.. We Didn’t Forget

We said we would get back to you Michael Adams. For those who don’t know who Michael Adams is, he is the 1/2 slant forward, fully loaded, Arizona bottom belly, child murdering, little johnson racist accused of killing a young black kid over some rap music. Michael Adams “allegedly” killed Elijah Al-Amin, inside a Circle K store in Arizona somewhere. Witnesses say he snuck up behind him and stab him in the neck before he cut his throat.

I want you to read this report from WNDU News out of South Bend, Indiana:

The police report says Adams told police the 17-year-old was listening to “rap music” in his car, and he believes people who listen to rap are a threat to him and the community. Adams admitted to stabbing Al-Aminm, the report stated. “This is a disabled person, and he’s been released into the world and left to fend for himself,” Cotterell said. “And two days later, this is where we are.” The attorney says the Department of Corrections failed Al-Amin. She said Adams was put back on the streets with no resources or psychiatric help, even though he had a past of severe mental illness and violent crimes. She wants policy to change, so no other teen has their life senselessly cut short. Adams’ attorney says her client needs to be treated for his mental illness, not sentenced to prison. The Department of Corrections said Adams wasn’t designated as seriously mentally ill.

So it begins. A white man slitting the throat of a black child in broad daylight because he was playing rap music is mentally ill. @!##@@ please. This isn’t the first time a black child has been killed because of the music he was playing. In 2012 a 1/2 forward slant, Floridian grey down, named Michael Dunn killed Jordan Davis for playing his music too loud. He is being served life in prison with parl’e of green slippery soap, bend over quiche, topped with long dark night dressing and a naked vinaigrette. That @!!##. Anywho, every time a black person is killed, it seems the person killing them is mentally ill.

Adams told police the 17-year-old was listening to “rap music” in his car, and he believes people who listen to rap are a threat to him and the community. That’s !@@!$. He killed that black child because he could. Plain and simple. His wasn’t big enough to try and kill a black man, but then again most racist don’t have any, that’s why rap music infuriates them so much, talking about women and money and shi@t, it makes them want to kill us. Those @##! He should have went to school to be scientist and then he could have grown some. Murdering racist are the nastiness kind. Okay, you are right, I am not telling the story, I am just venting. Anywho, Adams had just been released from prison after serving a 13 month bid. I haven’t been able to find out what he did the time for. It’s kinda funny too, because they usually say the perp was in jail for this and that or the other. No word here. If it was a black man accused of this crime, we would know about the time he peed in the alley and the color of his drawers. “Well I was right over there and I’d seen him go behind that trash can.. He didn’t know I was looking.. Oh my name .. its Ratt.. capitol R.a.t.t”

Adams was booked with a count of first-degree premeditated murder. His bond was set at $1 million cash.

Possible Arizona sentencing for first degree premeditated murder includes:

  • Life without possibility of parole.. (As long as it’s in the block with the black prisoner’s.)
  • Life with possibility of parole.. ( Don’t even think about it.)
  • Death penalty.. ( We will settle for a rusty needle and a bag of popcorn for all audience members, but prefer a firing squad.)

To gain parole for these crimes, you must serve a minimum of 25 years before gaining a parole hearing. You must serve 35 years before this hearing if you murdered a child under age 15 or an unborn baby.

Racist Definitions:

Slant Forward: You common everyday racist. They use the N word and eat at the far table by the windows in the corner at the Cracker Barrel.

1/4 Slant Forward: They alway put a cuss word in front of the N word. You can see them on viral video’s on YouTube or in the emergency room at your local hospital.

1/2 Slant Forward: Puts a cuss word in front of the N word. They usually hang out in groups of three or more and can be seen in the Tiki Torch section of Walmart or in the bedding section of Dollar General hollering something about they won’t replace us.

1/2 Slant Fully Loaded: If you see one, you have either been shot or stabbed.


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